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Explore the Nursery World's Big Day Out! Stay tuned for session times and speaker updates. Enjoy inspiring talks, a vibrant exhibition, and six live stages!

1. SEND Stage 

This stage is all about creating early years provision that supports the development and wellbeing of children with special educational needs and/or physical disabilities.

Hear from experts about accessible, practical approaches to learning and join a new conversation about how children with SEND can be welcomed into your setting.



2. Inspiring Practice 0-2 years Stage

Our 0-2’s stage will provide an all singing, all dancing invitation to explore inclusive, best practice ideas for babies and two-year-olds. Gain a taste of international practice, latest thinking on child development and how to support communication and physical development.



3. Inspiring Practice 3 – 5 years Stage

This stage will equip you with a range of exciting new activities and ideas to take back to your setting. Our speakers will explore what new skills children need to thrive in the modern world and how inclusive, early years practice can support their mental wellbeing.



4. People and Careers stage

Find out about the latest developments in qualifications and continuing professional development and gain a picture on new career paths and jobs. Hear from nursery employers about what makes a successful career in early years and what opportunities they offer for progression.



5. The Environment Stage

This stage is all about creating learning environments that are exciting and environmentally sustainable. Discover innovative approaches to indoor and outdoor learning that take children on new adventures and support the sustainable ethos of your setting.

  1. To have an ‘enabling environment’ is one of the four, statutory, Overarching Principles that are a key part of what must inform practice and provision across ECEC.  But how often do we step back and h ...
  2. This presentation is designed to help you feel less overwhelmed by the responsibility we hold and instead, help you feel empowered to do your part in creating a more sustainable future for the childre ...
  3. Join us to explore the rich and progressive learning environments of Atelier Nursery. In this interactive workshop we will share what happens during a typical day at Atelier. We will take you on a vir ...
  4. As the pressures on educators, settings and families increase I will unpick these challenges and consider how best our provision can respond to the ever changing landscape particularly with the upcomi ...

6. The Future Stage

In this 100th birthday year of Nursery World this stage is all about weighing progress and challenges, and hearing from new voices to look at where the sector is heading. You are invited to join key debates and lively sessions focused on business, Government policy, priorities for early education and changing views of early childhood. 
