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Dr Mine Conkbayir

Dr Mine Conkbayir

Early years author, researcher and training provider, Mine Conkbayir Consultancy

Award-winning author, trainer and researcher, Dr Mine Conkbayir has worked in early childhood education and care for 25 years. She is a recipient of the Nursery Management Today Top 5 Most Inspirational People in Childcare Award. Mine passionately bridges the knowledge gap between neuroscience and early years and was a key contributor to the non-statutory guidance, Birth to Five Matters, for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Education Endowment Foundation’s guidance on the subject of self-regulation.

She wrote the first-ever NCFE Neuroscience in Early Years qualifications and its award-winning accompanying textbook, and created the two times award-winning, free app, the Keep Your Cool Toolbox. Her award-winning book, Early Childhood and Neuroscience, is in its second edition and her latest book, The Neuroscience of the Developing Child: Self-Regulation for Wellbeing and a Sustainable Future, achieved Finalist for the Nursery World Best Professional Book of the Year award.

She is the creator of the Podcast show, ‘I’m ADHD! No You’re Not’, which she hosts with her husband, comedy actor, Paul Whitehouse.

She is Ambassador for Trauma-Informed Schools UK.
