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Rachel Tapping

Rachel Tapping

Piklerian Early Childhood Specialist, Consultant and Founder, Balanced Beings

Rachel Tapping, founder of Balanced Beings and advanced Pikler student, helps parents and caregivers to slow down and build loving, respectful relationships with their little ones.

By letting go of controlling behaviours and releasing expectations that lead to conflict, shaming and low self-esteem, we allow children to unfold and blossom with grace, balance and a real sense of themselves that takes the breath away. It’s beautiful to witness.

Rachel guides adults through a process of investigation, experimentation and embodiment, in person or online, using video, discussion, and experiential learning techniques involving play, movement and self-awareness. We tackle every aspect of caring for infants and toddlers from birth to three years whilst remaining true to our authentic selves.

She also has a deep understanding of parents’ need for community and shared safe spaces which she has facilitated in her Pikler-inspired parent-child classes since 2012.